Who We've Helped in 2014


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Boys and Girls Club Harzfest Partner

Ron Miller

Suzie Chiuppi-Lung Transplant

Stella Usiak-Leukemia

Joe Graham-Brain Tumor

Joanne Ruff

Red for Jed Benefit

Bob Bacon

Ruby Ellman-Heart Surgery

Christopher Freer THS  Scholarship

Brianna Horn THS  Scholarship

Rachel Caltagirone  THS Scholarship

Caleb Colosimo  Bethesda Scholarship

Harz Blessings for Christmas Families


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Jim Harszlak Warrior of the Game began and Teen Nights at Boys and Girls Club

Justin Davis Family-Fire victim

Tanya Little Thyroid Cancer

Friend of Foundation:  Brother with Lymphoma

Herschell Feltner-Fire Victim

Hillary & Eric Decker

Raymond Riveria