Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021 and blessings to all!  The Jim Harszlak Foundation was founded over 8 years ago on September 12, 2012, and we could never imagine that we would still be helping others in memory of Jim. Harzfest 2020 was one of the last large events in 2020 and our year end donations were just a little less than 2019. 

Our total giving in 2020  was $24,639 with a total 8 year giving of $162,247!  Thank you to all who volunteer, donate and pray for the foundation.  One of our major donations was to Special Spaces for a room makeover for MacKenzie a Tonawanda teen with leukemia.  This is in memory of Sheila Healy Briggs who was a 1974 classmate of Jim’s, a friend and dedicated volunteer for every Harzfest!  Check out the website updates on who we have helped! 

We had our first ever Harzmas 2020 mini fundraiser with live online music by Becca and Justin Kocent. We raffled some Buffalo Bills signed memorabilia and this helped us to help many families this Christmas and have more money to help this winter.

We all hope 2021 is a better year when we will be able to gather again, but realistically we know we cannot announce a Harzfest 2021 for March.  The board is meeting in January and will discuss a possible virtual mini event in March and a possible Summer Harzfest for 2021!

Jim loved picnics and BBQ’s and it was our thoughts for a few years to celebrate the 10thHarzfest that way!  


Stay safe and follow us on FB and Instagram for updates!  


Sue Holler-Harszlak