2023 Harz Blessings News and Events

Thank you for your continued support of the Jim Harszlak Foundation. Since 2012 we have donated $212,997 to bless many people and organizations.

This year so far, we have donated to some people in need, THS Lacrosse team, KenTon Transportation scholarships and we are sponsoring multiple field trips for the Special Education Classes at THS!  We have chosen our NT scholarship winners and they will be announced after the school’s event in June.

We are not doing our annual Harzfest Fundraising Event this year, we need a hiatus after 10 years of doing this event, but we plan on fundraising and helping others in the community in different ways.

We are attaching News and Events flyer of upcoming events and will update via webpage, FB page, and Instagram. I hope to see you at Drum Days and other events, and if you have any ideas of ways, we can help others and raise funds please  let us know!

Jim would be amazed at all the blessings we are passing on in his memory!

Love and Harz Hugs to you all!